RAT binaries for Scientific Linux

From: Stan Seibert (volsung@physics.utexas.edu)
Date: Sun Jan 08 2006 - 18:48:26 CST

Hi all,

Now that I'm finally in the same place as my computers, I've made a
precompiled version of RAT 0.1. Since bandwidth is relatively
plentiful these days, I've decided to put compiled versions of CLHEP,
GEANT4, ROOT and RAT all into one big package ("ratcage") to make
installation about as easy as is possible. It should install on
Scientific Linux 3 or 4 (on 32 bit Intel/AMD processors) without any
other dependencies.

Ratcage also contains all the header files and libraries needed to
recompile RAT, so you can dive right in and start hacking on the
source if you want. The ratcage instructions (see below) also tell
you how to switch to using the latest source from CVS for those of
you who want to be on the bleeding edge, but don't like compiling
dependencies yourself.

The tarfiles can be downloaded from:

Sci Linux 3: http://nu.ph.utexas.edu/bw/private/rat/
ratcage-0.1.sl3.i386.tar.gz (237 MB!)
Sci Linux 4: http://nu.ph.utexas.edu/bw/private/rat/
ratcage-0.1.sl4.i386.tar.gz (246 MB!)

(Be sure to pick the file that matches your distribution!)

See the ratcage page for installation instructions:


If there is another platform someone would like to see binaries for
(Mac OS X, another Linux distro, AMD64), let me know and I'll see
what I can do.

Stan Seibert

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