Re: minutes of 4/22/05 meeting

From: Matthew Worcester (
Date: Fri Apr 22 2005 - 17:01:36 CDT

Hi Josh,

Here are my comparison plots:

The solid lines are the new spectra with your TrackPhoton. The dashed are
from version v0_0_5 of the code. Here are my questions:

1. The low tail in phposrec is gone. That tail was from a small amount of
energy left in the scint from a compton scattered gamma from a positron
produced way outside of the scint (I have rmaxgen = 350). Can this all be from
attenuation in the oil? Or is there some new check in the code for particles
not contained in the scint?

2. phposrec has two (out of 1000) badly reconstructed energies (E > 2000 MeV).
The nu vertex is out in the oil, and they have phposvis = 4 MeV which seems
okay. Do you understand these events?

3. Because I have rmasgen = 350 and no compton scattering on the capture
gammas, I expect a large number of events with Eneu = 0, which I see in the old
phneurec distribution. The new phneurec does not have these events. This also
makes me think something is checking for particles near the scint.

4. Finally the H capture peak is much taller, which the n capture peak is
relatively the same heighth.


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