minutes of 4/22/05 meeting

From: Matthew Worcester (mworcest@hep.uchicago.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 22 2005 - 16:56:25 CDT


1. status of ReactorFsim
2. plans to freeze and test a new version in the next 2-4 weeks for
    studies leading up to the reviews
3. futher tests of ReactorFsim against other MCs
4. what numbers in the proposal can we improve on the time scale of the
    next few months?

Progress reports

Peter has a release version of the GEANT4 veto simulation ready to make
public. His report will be forwarded in a separate mail.

Dave and Tim are about 90% done with the improved reconstruction based on
their PMT data structure.

Matt has checked in code to do multiple compton scattering for the H and
Gd capture gammas to ReactorFsim. He also defined two separate AV
thicknesses for the 3-zone configuration.

New work

Josh is going to study the effect of his TrackPhoton code and answer some
questions based on plots of positron and neutron energy. The questions
will be forwarded in a separate mail and the plots are online:


Josh also has a new student who is working on improving the event_setup
configuration file for RecatorFsim to run batch jobs.
Dave and Tim are going to add timing for scintillation light to
ReactorFsim. They might be done in about 3 weeks.

Matt is going to check in new code with some bug fixes and pass the two AV
thicknesses to ReactorDetector. He is also going to start the code in
ReactorFsim to handle Peter's new veto events, defined above. He is going
to start looking at Cherenkov light in the mineral oil.


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