RAT frozen

From: Matthew Worcester (mworcest@hep.uchicago.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 21 2005 - 13:08:12 CST

Hi all,

As of today the RAT software is frozen pending a production release. I
have tagged the package with version v0_0_3. However, testers should pick
up any bug fixes that are checked in. I plan to tag another pre-release
version each week leading up to the production release.

As we discussed on Thurs, here are the major jobs we plan to do to test
the code. The focus is on IBD events.

* generate large MC event samples at several institutions. So far MIT and
Chicago have pledged to run some large jobs with the default RAT

* attempt to re-do with smaller samples the 2 vs 3 zone study. This will
test the functionality of setting the detector parameters in RATDB, check
the new event generator code and the new trigger simulation and
reconstruction. Acheiving a reasonable result from this study is critical
to declare a production release. Chicago is going to start this study.

* reproduce some of the VWG's results using the veto simulation in the RAT

The goal is to tag a production release that has fairly well understood
IBD events which are easy to use. Bug fixes should be small fixes that
clean up obvious problems. Please use this list to discuss any bug fixes
that are major but you feel are absolutely necessary. Remember, this
release does not have to be perfect.


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