DAQ simulation

From: Stan Seibert (volsung@physics.utexas.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 07 2005 - 11:21:26 CST

Just a quick note to everyone about the new DAQ simulation processors:

As mention in Josh's CVS commit email, the full DAQ simulation has
been broken out into 3 separate processors. If you want the full
simulation (especially for IBD events), the first three processors in
your event loop should be:

/rat/proc frontend
/rat/proc trigger
/rat/proc eventbuilder

I've also restored the simple DAQ simulation, also in the form of a
processor, so if you want only one detector event per physics event,
you can use this instead:

/rat/proc simpledaq

Without one of these two options, you will have zero events in the ev
branch of the data structure. I am slowly updating the sample macros
to properly call the DAQ processors.

Stan Seibert

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