IBD events

From: Matthew Worcester (mworcest@hep.uchicago.edu)
Date: Wed Sep 28 2005 - 13:04:42 CDT

Hi all,

I've checked in the IBD testing macro, testIBD.mac, and a small fix to
the IBDgenerator.cc file. It is pretty self-explanatory, but here are a
few notes:

The data/IBgenerator.dat file must be gunzipped after checking it out from
the repository.

The events take a very long time to run. I haven't figured out why, but
all of the PMTs are hit in every event!

To make more events, you need to compile and run the IBDgenerator in the
gen directory. The first step is to point the CERN variables in your
Makefile to your cern directories, just like for Fsim. You also need to
set your CLHEP env variables for the libraries. This can be done by
sourcing the env.csh script in the top-level of your Geant4 release. Then
just 'make' in the gen folder and you should get an exe, IBDgenerator, in
the same folder.

You can run IBDgenerator alone and set nevents in the IBDgenerator.cc
file, or you can give the number of events as an option on the command
line. The default output will be two files:

generator.txt contains the IBD particles (e+ and n in each event) in the
HEPEvt format given in Glenn's note:


It is the file from which the particles are read by GLG4sim.

extra_info.txt contains extra particle information for testing that is
user-defined and not contained in the HEPEvt format. This file is not
used by GLG4sim. Both files can be easily changed in the code.


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