
From: Christopher D. Tunnell (
Date: Fri Jul 15 2005 - 19:43:25 CDT

Hi all,

I work under Josh Klein at UT and recently I have been working on trying
to make a geant4-based braidwood simulation similar to ReactorFsim at
first, but then advancing beyond ReactorFsim after being able to
generate comparable results. So, pretty much, I have been working on
the same sort of thing as bwsim. I have created a geometry that I am
testing right now to see what works and what doesn't: scattering,
reflections, absorption, etc.

BWsim, in its current state, just appears to be glg4sim with some small
changes. I would like to know what the direction of work on BWsim is.
Who works or plans on working on it? What are the short term goals?

Stan Seibert (UT grad. student) and myself have been working on getting
to a point where we can compare our bwsim to fsim. I have been working
on the actual simulation part, and my strategy has been to create a
simple geometry like in fsim, and to see what data I get from this.

If I understand what the short term goals are for bwsim, it will tell me
whether or not I should start moving code I create and work on into CVS.


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