your talk

From: Dick Hahn (
Date: Thu May 26 2005 - 16:57:16 CDT

        Minfang and I were chatting after the marathon phone call. We agree with
Janet's comment that you should abbreviate or even completely suppress your
introductory slides about the physics and immediately stress what Braidwood
can do that is better than the competition or even unique. After all, if
NuSAG will want to "pick the best of Show", they will want to see you (us)
prancing around the ring, showing off what you (we) can do. They are all
experts and should be familiar with most of the points that you will be
making about physics impact. We think it is better to bring in the physics
points naturally as you talk about different aspects of the Braidwood
        All in all, I think that today's phone call was very productive, with a
good exchange of ideas.
        We look forward to seeing the revised version of your talk next week.


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