RAT ready for testing

From: Stan Seibert (volsung@physics.utexas.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 31 2005 - 13:09:58 CDT

The build system for RAT seems to be working, so I'm declaring it
open season for testing.

Revised installation instructions are include in RAT/doc/user/
installation.html and also on the web at:


I've been able to successfully build RAT on all the platforms I have
access to:

* Linux 2.6, x86, gcc 3.3
* Linux 2.6, AMD64, gcc 3.4
* Solaris 8, SPARC, CC 5.3 (caveat here is I had to use CLHEP
and GEANT 4.7.0p1 since the latest stuff won't build with a compiler
that old)
* Mac OS X 10.4, PPC, gcc 4.0

Similar platforms should hopefully be fine. If you have a real
troublemaker, let me know.


* The user's guide is massively incomplete. So if you can't figure
out how something works, ask on the list, and the answer will become
part of the manual.

* The makefiles are functional but ugly, so another round of
refactoring will be in order soon.

* GNU make is required

* Dependency generation (taken directly from GEANT4) is really
suboptimal, as it requires gcc to be present, even if you are using
CC to compile source code. It also has lots of nasty side effects,
like forcing dependency files to be made even when running "make
clean"! I will be checking out how the automake tools handle this
and stealing their solution if it looks good.

* Build files and binaries are segregated for different
architectures, so you can build multiple platforms in the same source

Stan Seibert

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