Energy spectra plots

Reconstructions: Recommendation: show the scope-trace recon plots. They are consistent with NuSAG simulation report plots and discussion. They are understood events (no known pathologies) with established code. Re-do Erin's acceptance study with these distributions.

Spectra Plots:
Figure 1: (a) reconstructed positron energy for crude (solid) and scope-trace (dashed) recons. (b) reconstructed neutron energy for for crude (solid) and scope-trace (dashed) recons. Only energy cuts are made for all curves (no timing or position cuts). The dashed curves have a 0.2 MeV threshold to detect a neutron or positron.
Figure 2: plots for NuSAG using the scope-trace reconstruction.

Followup plots:

Figures of smeared energy (no position reconstruction) distributions from the "crude" reconstruction:

smeared energy

smeared energy

smeared energy

smeared energy
Figures of PMT "scope-trace" reconstructed energy distributions with a 0.2 MeV threshold:

recon energy

recon energy

recon energy

recon energy

recon energy

Supplemental plots:

Figure 3: plots of reconstructed positron energy with all effects (solid), no light from neutron elastic scatter (ES) (dashed), and no Cerenkov light (dotted) for 10k events with neutron energy cut. Pathology in low Q-weighted recon at 1 MeV is gone when Cerenkov light effects removed.

Figure 4: R position for events with neutron capture (En > 6 MeV) in the low energy positron tail (Ee+ < 1 MeV).

Matthew Worcester
Last modified: Fri May 27 11:24:55 CDT 2005