Fwd: faculty position in experimental particle physics at UC Berkeley

From: Joseph Formaggio (josephf@MIT.EDU)
Date: Thu Sep 15 2005 - 14:54:05 CDT


     A forward from Kevin Lesko.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Kevin Lesko <KTLesko@lbl.gov>
> Date: September 14, 2005 6:22:37 PM EDT
> To: collaboration sno <sno@owl.phy.queensu.ca>
> Cc: Lesko Kevin <KTLesko@lbl.gov>
> Subject: Fwd: faculty position in experimental particle physics at
> UC Berkeley
> Hi,
> enclosed please find an advertisement for a faculty position at UC
> Berkeley. The search definitely includes neutrino experiments
> including double beta decay, theta 13 and long base line
> experiments. There exist strong connections between UCB physics and
> Berkeley Lab.
> thanks,
> Kevin
>> Faculty Position in Experimental Particle Physics
>> University of California, Berkeley
>> The Physics Department of the University of California at Berkeley
>> invites
>> applications from candidates with a strong record of research in
>> experimental particle physics (please refer to to the
>> advertisement posted
>> on Job Listing in the web site http://physics.berkeley.edu/).
>> Appointment
>> will be made at the level of tenure-track assistant professor, but
>> senior
>> tenured levels will be considered for exceptional candidates.
>> Applications, including curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a
>> statement of research interests, and a list of at least three
>> references,
>> should be sent to:
>> Professor Marjorie D. Shapiro, Chair
>> Department of Physics
>> 366 LeConte Hall #7300
>> University of California
>> Berkeley, CA 94720-7300
>> Applications must be postmarked by Wednesday, November 23, 2005. E-
>> mail
>> applications will not be accepted. In addition, applicants should
>> arrange
>> to have one letter of recommendation sent in by this date.
>> The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative
>> Action
>> Employer.
> Kevin T.
> Lesko
> KTLesko@lbl.gov
> Institute for Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics Tel: (510) 486-7731
> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory FAX: (510) 486-6738
> 1 Cyclotron Road, MS 50R5008 http://
> ktlesko.lbl.gov
> Berkeley, CA 94720-8158, USA

Joseph Formaggio
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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