MW reactor experiment - next steps

From: Ed Blucher <>
Date: Tue Feb 17 2004 - 08:17:42 CST

Dear Colleagues:

   At last week's meeting of the APS reactor working group, we discussed how
U.S. efforts could proceed more coherently. The LBL group offered to
host a meeting of U.S. groups on March 15 at CalPoly in San Louis Obisbo
before the Niigata workshop. They will probably send out more details of the
meeting, but preliminary information is available at As stated in the agenda, the purpose
of the meeting is to discuss the various US proposals in a combined group
environment. We hope that many of you can attend.

  We also plan to have a phone meeting of our midwest group this Friday
(2/20) at 10:30am CST. Plans for this meeting are to discuss a midwest
baseline proposal in the context of producing a cost estimate and backup
material. Discussions of the CalPoly and Niigata workshop are also planned.
Details will be distributed on Thursday.

                                                   Ed and Mike
Received on Tue Feb 17 08:17:42 2004

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